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Art is about emotions and moments.

As an artist I believe it is my duty to grapple with the deep truths of the human experience. I know that being a creative makes me slightly more sensitive and observant than most in the way I approach day-to-day life. Moments are fuller, emotions are more visible on the surface of experiences, and it is my duty to translate this experience into something digestible for the viewer. However, emotions and moments can often be hard to express visually or even in words. Which is were the work you as a viewer are looking at now comes into play.

My work is an abstract representation of moments and emotions. I am inspired by nature and the ethereal: clouds, smoke, flowers, and more are part of the vision that lives in me. None of these inspirations are directly translated into my work; I use them as a prompt to study my feelings. My practice reflects that of the old masters as I strive to create harmony between my work and I.

Aljournal Franklin II: Our Artists
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